
Miranda DS

Design system creation to englobe all of LS products, for internal and external users.

As many start up companies, Loadsmart grew up really fast, but the design structure didn't follow the new features released and there were many discrepancies in design and flow. Also new products started appearing, increasing even more the difference between experience accross products.

Create a design system and define the collection of design and code decisions that everybody in the company would use. Like a style guide but with components as design and code resources.

Project goal
• Create a consistent structure of components for both Figma and React
• Define a roadmap for milestones, dliveries and usable tokens, components and flows
• Bring the design system culture to the company and spread the importance of using the tools
• Save time for both designers and developers

My role
Innitiative leader

3 designers, 1 front-end developer