
Drag Card Game

Game created to emulate Rupaul's Drag Race competition and submitted to a successful crowdfunding in Catarse.

Campaign's instagram. The game was developed originally in 2015 specifically to be played by myself and friends, after some improvements a free version was made disponible in 2019 in a Google Drive so anyone could download and play. But it was still not a professional version as people generally had only a homemade printed version of the game

To make the game looks professional, a redesign of the cards and a campaign was created, with posts in social media to make people help the funding to happen. It was a success, collecting 149% of the expected

Project goal
• Redesign the cards and make the game looks professional
• Make more people hear about the game
• Get 100% in the crowdfunding

My role
Designer, illustrator and campaign owner

Me and some amazing friends